Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Contest Winner

A few days back, we asked if you could help out a fan in winning a tattoo. Well we picked a winner for a sampler pack. And the winner is...
Congrats again Jaime!

Friday, October 26, 2012


A young lady has approached us and needs our help. She reconized that we promoted her picture yesterday from another group. She is a young lady that has a dream. She has a dream to get a tattoo from one of her idols 1 of many dreams that is. Someone that she has admired for a long time.

She lost both her parents due to illness a couple months apart from each other last year and dealing with the loss of her parents.. she was also planning a wedding. So its been a very hard year for her last year.

She wanted to get a Tattoo to symbolize her love and strength her parents both gave her.

Anyways, Ayla has made it to the finals and is far away from being at the top with the most votes.

Can we help this lady out? Of course we can! So here is what were going to do.

1 WINNER will get a FREE sampler pack filled with lube samples, a gift certificate towards our website, toys etc.

This is held for two days. Deal is we have to show Ayla's contest holder that we love his page (by liking) and vote for Ayla's amazing work of art (by liking). Simple!!

Winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and will be announced Monday October 29th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway